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HomeHARDWARE AND SOFTWAREWhat's new in the latest release of Lightroom Classic (version 12.3)

What’s new in the latest release of Lightroom Classic (version 12.3)

Easily remove noise from images using AI-powered Denoise

Using artificial intelligence, Lightroom Classic can now efficiently remove noise from Bayer or X-Trans RAW images, while preserving all the finer details.

  1. From the menu, select Photo > Enhance or select Denoise in the Detail panel.
Select Denoise in the Detail panel to reduce noise.

2. Select Denoise to enhance your image. Holding Alt or Option while selecting Denoise from the Detail panel will set the intensity of the slider to the last set Amount value.

3. Use the slider to adjust the intensity of the feature.

Adjust the Denoise slider to improve image quality.

4. You can press and hold on to the preview area to view the changes made to the image.

5. Click Enhance to process the image as a new DNG file. The enhanced image is saved as a new DNG file with the filename in this format: <Original filename-Enhance-NR.DNG> and is placed next to the source image. 

Make crisp edits using new Masking features

New additions in People mask let you automatically select Facial Hair, Clothes, and more. Masking now also supports Curve, allowing you to make crisp local adjustments.

  1. In the Develop module, open the image you’d like to edit.
  2. Select Masking > People.
  3. Lightroom Classic will automatically detect and mask all people in the photo. You can select the person you’d like to edit in the photo and then select Facial Hair or Clothes to make adjustments. 
  4. To make further adjustments, open the mask in the Masks panel and select Add or Subtract according to your editing requirements. 
  5. Use the editing sliders in the right panel to make adjustments.
The People panel shows thumbnails of all people in a photo.
Facial Hair selection.


Masking now supports Curve, and lets you make precise local edits, without affecting the rest of the image.

  1. In the Develop module, open an image you’d like to edit. 
  2. Select Masking from the tool strip and Create New Mask on the image.
  3. Select Curve in the Masking section.
  4. Make adjustments using the Curve to locally enhance an image. The local Histogram provides values for adjustments made to the masked section.
Curve Histogram for masked local adjustments.

Quickly identify all tools used to edit images

Keep a track of your edits and tools used to quickly edit an image with the reconfigured panels. In the Develop module, an eye indicator has been added to all Edit panels, HealingRedeye, and Masking tools. You can press and hold the eye indicator to temporarily hide the settings of the particular panel. This function lets you instantly view any changes made to an image.

The eye indicator will change color from dark to light to indicate if a particular panel is used. A dot will also be visible on the tool strip under the tool used.

Edit and eye indicators.

You can turn off a panel by holding Alt on Windows or Option on macOS to reveal panel switches instead of the eye icon. This function will also allow you to reset an edit within the panel. When you turn off the panel switch, the eye icon will be struck out to indicate the panel is disabled.

Hold Alt/Option key to reveal panel switches.

Edit in Photoshop

Lightroom Classic lets you open your photos in Adobe Photoshop and provides several options for making edits. You can edit the photo in its current format, open it as a Smart Object, or Open as Smart Object Layers in Photoshop. You can also merge a series of shots into a panorama, HDR, or open two or more photos as one layered image in Photoshop. When you save edits to a photo in Photoshop, Lightroom Classic automatically imports the new photo into its catalog.

  1. In Lightroom Classic, select Edit Preferences (Windows) or Lightroom Classic > Settings (macOS).
  2. Select the External Editing tab.

If Photoshop is installed on your computer, it appears as the designated external editor.
With the April 2023 release of Lightroom Classic (version 12.3), you can also select the Photoshop version of your choice to edit the photos. 

Drop-down list to select the Photoshop version.

You can also change applications by selecting Application > Choose in the Additional External Editor section. See External editing preferences for more on the options in this dialog box.

Support for new cameras and lenses

Check out the following articles to find newly added cameras and lenses in the full list of supported profiles:

Other enhancements

  • Improved scrolling performance in the Library module for Published Grid scrolling, People View scrolling, Import GridImport Loupe, and Fullscreen walk on macOS.
  • Mask names will now be added to the History steps when mask settings, like ExposureContrast, and so on, are changed.
  • Added new Adaptive Presets for the Adaptive: Portrait group, including Polished PortraitDarken Beard, and Enhance Clothes.
  • Updated embedded browser framework for Map and Web modules.
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